Mikey`s Zone
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Mikeys norwegians zone
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boyzone news (updateded)


news updateded


Mikey Was born on 15th August 1972 and grew up in Coolock in Dublin.He was the yongest of seven children from what he referred to "as quite a musical family" He attended stage school from age of 5 to 15 and at 16 he bought his first quitar and started song writhing,before Mikey joined Boyzone he was working as a mechanic but with his love of song writhing and determination he work in show business it was inevitable he was going to do great things,but he probably hadn`t imagined it would be in of the words most successful band`s.


 This site are abouth Mikey Graham from Boyzone

Michael Charles Christopher Graham


Her will I  tell You wher  Mikey get hes name from
Mikey is named afther his uncle,Michael
Christopher who his dads only brother-
he died in March the year that Mikey was born.
Mikey is also upcalled afther hes grandfather..
Who had the same name....


